The Progress of Salvation, Part 1

There is great comfort for you—if you’re a Christian—in looking ahead—knowing God has a plan for you. . . that He’s secured your future in heaven. John MacArthur looks at God’s foreknowledge. . . and what it means for your salvation . . . today on GRACE TO YOU. It’s part of his study titled . . .The Grip of God.

The Purpose of Salvation, Part 2

You may know that God is holy . . . you’re a sinner . . . and the penalty for sin is death. And you may have repented of your sin . . . and turned in faith to Christ. Yet with all that, do you sometimes wonder . . .“Has God really saved me forever?”Hear more from John MacArthur on GRACE TO YOU.

The Purpose of Salvation, Part 1

It’s been called the greatest of all miracles . . . God granting salvation to an unworthy sinner. That right there—the fact that we’re unworthy—helps us understand why the miracle of salvation is so great. But what’s the reason behind that gracious act? Why would God . . . who sees all our sin and knows how undeserving we are . . . why would He save us? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Recipients, Source, and Certainty of Security, Part 2

If you went to the doctor and he seemed to know nothing about human anatomy, disease, or medicine—well . . . you’d be smart to go elsewhere . . . because that guy’s clearly no doctor. Sadly,some people see no problem when a person claims to be a Christian . . . but his actions, attitudes, and way of life bear no resemblance to what the Bible says a Christian should be. Hear more on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Recipients, Source, and Certainty of Security, Part 1

It’s certainly a blessing to be chosen class valedictorian . . . most valuable player . . . or employee of the month. Fact is, there’s only one thing you could be selected for that really matters . . . and matters for eternity. John MacArthur explains that today on GRACE TO YOU, as he shows you what it means to be chosen by God . . . to know that His love for you will never wane.

The Extent of the Believer’s Security, Part 2

You may believe everything Scripture says about God’s goodness . . . mercy . . . and protective power. But how can the Bible possibly claim that hard trials are actually good for you? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

The Extent of the Believer’s Security, Part 1

Perhaps it’s a question you’ve wrestled with. Is your salvation secure? How can you be certain you’re truly—and permanently—saved? On the next GRACE TO YOU, John MacArthur answers those crucial questions in the study he starts today. It’s titled . . . The Grip of God.

The Key to Maintaining Family Unity

Despite the attacks that threaten to destroy it, the family still remains a cultural adhesive . . . it stirs feelings of loyalty, and ties people together. But that doesn’t mean all families today are truly close . . .all that they should be. That may even be true in your home . . . your Christian home. So how do you knit your family together and know true unity? Hear more on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

God’s Pattern for Parents, Part 2b

What are your hopes for your son or daughter? How do you assist them in achieving those goals? Similarly, how do you keep your child from rebelling against your authority, and ignoring the help you’re trying to give them? Find out on GRACE TO YOU with John MacArthur.

God’s Pattern for Parents, Part 2a

What does it take to protect your children from ungodly influences? As you think about protecting your kids, consider this: Is it possible to create other problems—even bigger problems—as you shelter them? Bottom line, how can you teach your children to reject the world’s value system . . . but stay involved in the world as Scripture teaches? John MacArthur considers those questions on GRACE TO YOU.

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