The Love of God

Although Martha knew what she believed, when facing a crisis, she did not demonstrate faith in whom she believed. She had correct Christology, correct eschatology, but she did not have a living faith at the moment of crisis. Do you? How much are you like Martha?

Chapter 1 - Incomprehensible Love

"A pastor, who I knew very well, was introduced to an opera singer in the terminal stages of cancer. She was a beautiful, 29-yearold lady approaching the height of fame in the operatic world. Shockingly, . . ."

Chapter 2 - Inclusive Love - Part 1

When a husband says to his wife, “I don’t love you anymore,” what he is really saying is, . . .

Chapter 3 - Inclusive Love - Part 2

"From God to Man, from Man to servant-hood, from servant-hood to obedience, from obedience to the Cross. Then from resurrection and ascension to the Throne of the universe. Oh the depth of God’s love enabling us to . . ."

Chapter 4 - Insightful Love

"David also mused how that God was fully aware of the way he had trod; of the words he had spoken; and of his whereabouts at all times. That is a sobering thought. When David became shamefully conscious how God knew all he had thought and done, he asked Him to reveal . . ."

Chapter 5 - Incomparable Love

"In this era of increasing deception in the church, resulting in the intrusion of worldly cares at worship time and the pining for worldly pleasures, militant anti-god forces have invaded the land. Regardless of . . ."

Chapter 6 - Incontestable Love

"So the question comes to you and me, do we read the Bible to get to know the Bible, or do we read the Bible to get to know the God of the Bible? There is a very big difference."

Chapter 7 - Inductive Love

Isaiah then travels in a prophetic time machine from when God clothed Himself with flesh in the person of Baby Jesus, to the eternal city of Jerusalem, of which: “The . . .

Chapter 8 - Influential Love

Just nine letters in two words constitute the shortest verse in the Bible –“Jesus wept” John 11:35. As the Savior wept, He demonstrated His deep compassion for the family He loved. He also shed tears for . . .

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