The Promises of God Are For You

What does an Old Testament story tell you about God's care for you?

What is Your Faith In?

It is not great faith that really counts. It is faith in a great God!

3 Guidelines to Effectively Deal with Stress

How do you respond to the stress of life?

Do We Need Another Bible Translation?

It is much better to find out what God is saying to us than to attempt to make God say what we understand in our culture and world today.

3 Guidelines on How to View Time

Are you interested in knowing how to get more out of the hours that you have?

Because You Won't Live Forever!

Is God using events in your life to redirect you into the path He purposed for you?

What You Need to Get Rid of Today

Staying focused, renewing your determination, and hanging in there day after day is what it takes to win.

How to Understand the Prophecies About Jesus

Prophecy is one of the means by which God demonstrates very clearly that what He says about His Son is true.

300 Signs Pointing to Jesus

Have you ever tried the laws of probability to the prophecies that were made prior to the coming of Jesus Christ to earth?

Here are Great Guidelines for Fractured Relationships

Nothing has the healing power of these four simple words: "I'm sorry; forgive me."

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