Bringing the Voice of Jesus

Learn how one ministry has been transforming lives throughout the world.

Looking Backward and Forward

Find our what an awesome God we have as He takes care of the past, present and future!

Let's Celebrate!

Is there something in your life that's worth celebrating?

Love Your Neighbor

Will you do something for someone in need, but just happens to cross your path?

Father of a Murderer

Every parent conveys a value system to his child, positive or not.

All Men Created Equal?

Let's recognize the importance of every human life.

Seeking Quietness

You've got to learn to find quiet time if you want to live with less stress!

In Bondage to Busyness

How often do we fall into the trap believing that God is most pleased when we are busy?

Praying with Confidence

You can pray with confidence for God has already promised to meet your needs!

The Fall of Hope

There is more to life than the hopelessness we see today.

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