Bad Examples in the Bible
Vulnerable Faith
No one has a perfect faith. We are all plagued by doubt and distrust from time to time. But God is willing to be patient and work with us even then. Dr. John Akers shows us this truth through the story of Gideon in today's Understanding God's Word.
A Mighty Warrior?
What does it take for God to get our attention? Who was Gideon? Why was he so important? Dr. John Akers answers these questions and more in today's edition of "Understanding God's Word".
Godly Jealosy
At times in the Bible God is called a "Jealous God," but what does that mean? Does the God of creation become envious, just like us humans? Dr. John Akers explores that question in today's episode of Understanding God's Word.
Beginning with Judges
Today we begin the next step in our study of the Old Testament by moving on to the book of Judges. Dr. John Akers sets the scene for our upcoming lessons in today's episode of Understanding God's Word.
Keeping Faith To The End
Joshua of the Old Testament served God from his youth as a strong and vital warrior all the way through his final years as a elder of the tribes of Israel. Dr. John Akers sets up Joshua as an example for us in today's Understanding God's Word.
Cities Of Refuge
When we start a project, it's pretty important to follow all the way through. This is doubly important when the task is assigned to us by God. Dr. John Akers gives an example of this from the book of Joshua in today's Understanding God's Word.
Division Of The Land
Some passages of the scripture seem to have no purpose other than historical record. Why are they included? Is there any reason to read them other than academic curiosity? In this installment of Understanding God's Word, Dr. John Akers argues that these verses have immediate, relevant meaning to us today.
The God Of Surprises
God's ways are not our ways, and sometimes we can be caught off guard by His actions. What can we do when God throws us for a loop? Dr. John Akers discusses this problem in today's Understanding God's Word.
Dealing With Failure
Even God's chosen leader, Joshua, encountered failure. It is inevitable that we all fail at one thing or another in this life, even when we do our best. What is the appropriate way for us to deal with this as Christians? Dr. John Akers discusses this question in today's Understanding God's Word.
The Conquest Of Ai
The Hebrews of the Old Testament were commanded by God to destroy all the people of Canaan. Why would God give a command that seems so contradictory to the loving commandments we follow today? Dr. John Akers discusses this question in today's Understanding God's Word.