Ron Hughes is leading us through a study of Jesus as He is revealed in the book of Mark. The keeping of the seventh day of the week as holy unto the Lord was critically important to all 1st Century Jews. It was one of the easiest ways to judge if one were serious about keeping the law. The Pharisees were particularly careful about the Sabbath becau
We don’t have to read far into the accounts of Jesus’ ministry to discover that people responded to Him in very different ways. In the passage we’re going to look at today, we’ll see three distinct responses to Jesus. Ron Hughes has been doing some thinking about these and begins with an overview of the three responses to Jesus.
Join Ron Hughes as he takes us through Mark, the shortest of the four gospels which gives an overview of the ministry of Jesus. We get a sense of what He was like as a man and, at the same time, we get a look into God’s heart. While Jesus was a man in the most complete sense of the word, He was also God and never failed to reflect His characteris
Join Ron Hughes in chapter 6 as we make our way through Mark’s Gospel and today we’ll cover three distinct subjects: the commissioning of the disciples, the execution of John the Baptist, and the feeding of the five thousand. In these varied situations, we learn more about Jesus, seeing both human and divine aspects displayed.
Ron Hughes is leading us through a study of the Gospel of Mark. Today we pick up in the middle of chapter 5. This is a section of the book that deals primarily with events in the life of Jesus, rather than His teaching. We’ll see how Jesus responded to two different people who had problems, then we’ll see how some people in his home town respo
Ron Hughes is going to walk us through several short sections as we continue our consideration of the Gospel of Mark. We’ve already seen that Jesus was fond of using analogies and parables as teaching techniques. In analogies, He used a common everyday item and its use to convey a spiritual truth. We’ll be looking at a couple of them today, but
We don’t have to read far into the accounts of Jesus’ ministry to discover that people responded to Him in very different ways. In the passage we’re going to look at today, we’ll see three distinct responses to Jesus. Ron Hughes has been doing some thinking about these and begins with an overview of the three responses to Jesus.