Trinity Baptist Church Worship Service 01.07.2018
Trinity Baptist Church Worship Service 01.07.2018
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Don't Wait Until You Get To Heaven
When we say we are Christians we are telling people that we have Jesus Christ onboard. We should exhibit the attributes and behavior of people who have repented of their sins and committed themselves to live as is outlined in the Holy Bible. When we fail to exhibit those attributes and behaviors, we cause other people to question our authenticity. Are you living Holy? Are you truly Saved? The Christian life does not begin when we get to Heaven; the Christian life begins here on Earth. It begins the very moment we are truly Saved!
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
The Word of the Lord Endureth for Ever
True faith requires reverence for the Word of Almighty God.
All attempts to undermine the Word of Almighty God are Satanic attempts.
A lack of reverence for the Word of Almighty God is a sign of apostasy.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
So Loved
Words often mean more than we allow ourselves to understand.
John Chapter 3 contains a lot of good-sounding words, but sometimes we do not take time to REALLY understand what some of those words REALLY mean.
Let's take another look at a passage found in John Chapter 3.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Put Your Trust in Almighty God
Choices! Choices!! Choices!!!
Life is full of choices.
Our choices can make all the difference.
Choosing man instead of God is one of the greatest mistakes a person can make.
Consider what God says about wrong choices.
Please listen carefully.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Don't Wait Until You Get to Heaven
Hesitation - - - its possible effects
Timeliness - - - its possible benefits
Earth - - - Your present residence
Where is your future home?
If you are not Saved, now is the time to decide
God is willing! Are YOU willing?
Listen to these simple (but POWERFUL) words!!!
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Too Mean for Your Own Good
Are you willing to bless yourself?
Are you willing to act in your own interest?
What is the condition of your heart?
Please listen carefully; you may discover something important about yourself
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Making What You Have Better
God is faithful
God has given us all the good things we have
Gifts from God are blessings
We should value and protect our God-given blessings
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
Make Sure that God is on Your Side
Please take heed to your Christian walk
Sometimes our paths can be treacherous
Be sure that God is on your side
You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *
For The Lord's Name Sake
How is your Christian walk?
When people see you do they imagine that you are probably a Christian?
How is your lifestyle impacting the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *