The Scouts of the Tribe of Dan
What illustrated the confusion about the civil life and the religious life during the time of the judges? Chuck Smith shares a few of them from his study on Judges in this edition of "The Word for Today".
The Appendix of the Book of Judges
Up through the 16th chapter, the book is written in chronological order. However, starting with chapter 17, things are different. Listen and learn.
Spiritual Blindness
Did Samson know he was weak? Did he know God had departed from him? Might you have a spiritual blindness and not know it?
The Enticement of Delilah
The strongest man became weak, but didn't even know it until it was too late. How so? Listen and learn in this episode of "The Word for Today" with the late pastor, Chuck Smith.
The Story of Samson
What can be learned from the story of the strongest man who ever lived? The late pastor, Chuck Smith, shares the answer in today's edition of "The Word for Today".
The Daughter of Jephthah
What was the result of a rashly made vowel to God? Learn the answer in this edition of "The Word for Today" with the late pastor, Chuck Smith.
The Strife with Shechem
Those who set an ambush get ambushed, a tower of refuge becomes a crematorium and a lady drops part of a millstone are part of the study today in this edition of "The Word for Today".
The Diplomacy of Gideon
What did Gideon do when presented with a ridiculous accusation? What can be learned for living today? The late pastor, Chuck Smith, shares the answers in this edition of "The Word for Today".
Gideon's Fleece Before the Lord
What should we learn from Gideon using a fleece to discern God's will?
The Apostasy of Israel
The Midianites oppressed the children of Israel, so God answered their prayers by sending . . .