The Return of Jesus Christ
What will the world look like when Jesus returns? Why would the late Chuck Smith say Jesus will come to possess? Listen to this edition of "The Word for Today" to learn the answer and more.
The Bottomless Pit
Is there really a "bottomless pit? Where is it? Who will be incarcerated there? The late pastor Chuck Smith gives his thoughts on these questions and more in today's episode of "The Word for Today".
The Prayers of the Saints
How did Mastodons end up in the frozen north? What is the "Golden Censer"? What do the "Seven trumpets" signify? In today's edition of "The Word for Today", Chuck Smith answers these questions and more.
A Song of Redemption
Why is the song of chapter 7 different than the previous song? How is it different? Who are those in "white arraignment"? Chuck Smith shares the answers in this episode of "The Word for Today".
The Four Angels
What are the four angels of Revelation 7? Since it is much debated, who is included in the "144,000" mentioned in Revelation 7? The late pastor Chuck Smith gives insight into future as the study continues in "The Word for Today".
The Chorus of Angels
Why does Chuck Smith say that the angels can't sing the verses but only join in on the chorus? "Look at those nations that have fallen to communism, in every one of . . . " Let him explain it to you in this edition of "The Word for Today".
The Redemption of the World
Why would the apostle John be weeping? Who can be found worthy to open and read the book? The late Chuck Smith provides the answers in this edition of "The Word for Today".
The Purpose of Your Existence
How is it that when you live to please God instead of living for your own pleasure, you find . . .?
After These Things
What does "After these things" mean? Why do some people hold that there will be a rapture of the church? The late pastor Chuck Smith shares the answers in this edition of "The Word for Today".
The Church at Thyratira
In the Scriptures, what does "brass" symbolize? What does "Jezebel" have to do with the church today? The late pastor Chuck Smith shows the answers in this edition of "The Word for Today".