Appreciating The Grace Of God

Grace. We all want it, we all need it, we should all exercise it and we should all appreciate it.

Don’t Give The Devil An Opportunity

Satan is always looking for opportunities to steal, kill and destroy. If you give him one, he’ll take it, so don’t.

Be Angry And Sin Not

Not all anger is sin, and in today’s teaching Dr. Hart unpacks this important passage in Ephesians chapter 4.

The Church Of Jesus Christ Lives On Truth

It’s been said that a lie has no power in the presence of the truth. Jesus said of Himself, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church, and that foundation is the truth.

Saying Thank You Is Important.

Saying thank you has benefits that can last a lifetime. It helps not only the person on the receiving end, but it also affects the person giving thanks. Saying thank you keeps us humble. It reminds us that we often need help from others. Research has even shown that an attitude of gratitude can even affect your health. As an added benefit it also helps us build trust and closer bonds with the people around us. Join us for this insightful and uplifting teaching. And by the way, thanks!

The Four Factors Of Living The Victorious Life

Today we focus on four things that will help us in the pursuit of victorious living. It’s not a long list, but it’s a life changing list.

Growing Up Means Going To School

All of us are still growing up, and still going to school- at least we should be. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. And right now, school is in!

Stay Focused

In life we often have to make adjustments in order to keep our focus. Today’s teaching will give us invaluable information that will help keep everything crystal clear.

The Lives That Matter

Want to live a life that counts? Today’s passage shows us the way.

The lasting fullness of Christ's joy

Last week we started our study in the Book of 1 John by discovering the pathway to real joy. While many search for happiness their search ends with disappointment because happiness is based on circumstances. It’s temporary and leaves you hungering for more. But real joy lasts. It quenches the thirst and satisfies the hunger.

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