Waiting - the Results of Not Waiting

Waiting is never an easy thing to do, but it is part of life, and useful for our spiritual growth. Susannah Spurgeon, the wife of Charles Spurgeon, counseled her own heart while waiting with these words: “The Lord has strewn the pages of God’s Word with promises of blessedness to those who wait for Him. And remember, His slightest Word stands fast and sure; it can never fail you. So, my soul, see that you have a PROMISE underneath thee, for then your waiting will be RESTING and a FIRM FOOTHOLD, for your hope will give you CONFIDENCE in Him who has said, ‘They shall not be ashamed that wait for Me.’” Psalm 37:7a says… Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. Let’s continue now as our host Barbara Sandbek introduces our topic again with a fitting song.

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