The rich man had allowed his wealth to create a false sense of security and self-sufficiency (see Matthew 19:16-30). He relied on his money more than… read more
There is tension afoot in our world today. Really, it has existed from the moment mankind sinned in the Garden of Eden. This tension develops from… read more
Some people say that the natural response to salvation by grace alone is something like this: “Now that I am saved by grace, I can break every… read more
Adam and Eve owned up to their sin, and they regretted the break in their relationship with God. However, this was not true for their son Cain.
… read more
A group of young men was meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to… read more
It is no more natural today to exercise mercy than 2,000 years ago when Jesus pronounced these magnificent words. In Roman society, mercy indicated… read more
A person suffering from starvation or dehydration can think of nothing else but to find food or water. Hunger and thirst are God-given sensations… read more
When someone is meek, society says they must be weak, indecisive, or timid—maybe even spineless and cowardly. And so, in our culture, the meek… read more
The Bible encourages us to study its prophetic passages—but the Bible also warns us not to become obsessed with predicting the dates and times.… read more
Just like the disciples, most of us would like to know the exact day and time of Christ’s return. Jesus, however, said that no one, not even… read more
Have you ever known anyone who went to the airport to catch a flight and decided to live in the plane permanently? Sound crazy? Unfortunately, this… read more
Dr. Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Leading the Way
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