Amazing Grace, Part 1

In a world full of suffering and death, what is the greatest question we could ever ask? A Philippian jailor asks it in Acts 16:30: "What must I do to be saved?"

A Tale of Two Women

What does a wealthy business woman and a poor, demon-possessed girl have in common? Both are slaves to sin. Both need the Savior.

And He Shall Direct Your Stops

Has God ever halted your plans? What should we do when he tells us to 'stop?' Closed doors in our Christian lives are painful. Take courage in the fact that the same God who orders our steps also orders our stops.

Stubborn Servants…Second Chances

Disagreements are a part of life. The question is not how do we avoid them, but rather how do we deal with them when they occur? In this lesson, Stephen addresses conflict and resolution.

The First Reformation, Part 2

The dividing line between truth and error is the cry of the reformation: "Sola Scriptura!" The Bible alone tells us what is sufficient for faith and practice.

The First Reformation, Part 1

What do the scriptures say? That question could settle most debates when Christians disagree. Dividing God's truth from man's opinion was the cry of the reformation. The scriptures alone answer the question, "What must I do to be saved?"

Phases of Effective Ministry

An effective church will always be birthing new ministries and at the same time reproducing itself around the world. That's what the early church did, and this lesson teaches you why they were so successful.

Missionary Memoirs

Paul's missionary journeys often resulted in opposition -- whether it was from government officials, townspeople, or nature itself. But Paul was less concerned about his trials and more concerned about how great his God is. What's your concern?

The Message

God tells us that "from out of the heart a man speaks." Every time Paul opened his mouth, the gospel came pouring out. Rehearse the message of the gospel in this lesson.

Wrestling Rasputins

One of Satan's strategies is to dilute the Gospel just enough so that it loses its transforming power. Sharing about God's love and neglecting to discuss God's wrath dilutes the gospel.

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