Recovering the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ is still changing the world after 2,000 years; but is it changing your world?

Gripped by the Gospel

Are you feeling ineffective in your outreach to unbelievers and lethargic in your own private devotion to Christ? If so, this is a message you can't afford to miss.

Three Perspectives; One Passion

What made Paul's ministry so unique? Was it the numerous adventures he endured such as shipwrecks, snakebites, and escapes from prison? Was it the many miracles he performed? Was it the varied visions and revelations he received directly from God? No. It was his passion for the Gospel that set him apart. To Paul, all these things were worthless compared to the incomparable value of knowing Christ. He never forgot that he was only a messenger . . . and he was carrying the most powerful message in the world.


Most men are happy if their children bring home good report cards, stay out of trouble and don't embarrass the family name. But how many men long and pray for their kids to develop the fruit of the Spirit and a passion to win the world for Christ? That was the Apostle Paul's longing... is it yours, too?

Beyond Christmas and Birthdays

How precious is salvation to you? What price-tag would you put on it? Do you revel in the Gospel daily? Do you thank God for saving you every time you look at your face in the mirror? Perhaps if we remember again why God's grace is so amazing, we'll stop taking it for granted.

Struggling to Kneel

The godly man doesn't just live for himself. He doesn't just talk about himself and his family. He doesn't just spend money and time on himself and his needs. The godly man lives life on his knees, praying for his neighbors and washing their feet.

Chasing Sticks

What are your ambitions and dreams? What gets you out of bed in the morning? For the apostle Paul, it was seeing the glory of Christ manifested throughout the world. Stephen reminds us why everything else is just chasing sticks.

Question and Answer Program No. 69

Stephen and Scott discuss questions phoned in by listeners. Please note that there is NO transcript available for this program.


Peace of mind, peaceful sleep, peace and quiet, peace in the Middle East; there are so many kinds of peace we are all longing for. But the only peace that really matters for eternity is peace with God. Do you have it?

Empowered by Grace

Salvation is only one half of the Gospel truth: the other half is what happens after salvation. So just as we needed God's grace to become a Christian, we need His grace to live as a Christian everyday. That's the Gospel truth!

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