Worship When Weak

Go Get Your Harp

I'd Rather Have Babylon

The Rumblings of Renewal

Life in the Father's House

Living the Dream

"And they lived happily ever after." This is a typical fairytale ending. However, it's the anticipated truth for every believer. The world around us, as beautiful and colorful as it is, is a mere shadow of the living color and awesome reality to come. In Heaven, our bodies will be immortal and shine with the brilliance of the sun. And our human relationships will be magnified and perfected, without any competition, comparisons, or conflicts. This message pulls from Scripture to paint an exciting picture of our forever happily ever after.

The Day You Finally Become Perfect

In our culture today, there is a constant striving to stay young looking, despite the natural aging process. But all those efforts inevitably fail. The human body, because of sin, is subject to pain, suffering, and disability. And our minds are equally as fragile. But as followers of Jesus Christ, we are promised a glorified body in heaven--a body without ailments, sickness, or imperfections. In this encouraging message, Pastor Davey shares Scriptural truths about our eternal future of perfection and glory with the Lord…and each other.

A Volcano that Changes Everything

The geological community, primarily driven by evolution, continues to make amazing observations and discoveries, but never connects the dots between the evidence and its substantiation of the Biblical creation account (a global flood on a young earth). Pastor Davey uncovers some amazing geological facts that will have you whole-heartedly agreeing with the Apostle Paul that our world is "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)."

Aliens and a Global Flood

We know from Scripture that God created the heavens and the earth about 8000 years ago--not billions. And, He created mankind to live on the earth and no other planet. In addition to the prevalence of evolutionary teaching, much of our culture is obsessed with aliens and the potential of life on other planets. In this fascinating lesson, Pastor Davey addresses why evolutionists and ET-seekers are really hoping to dispel and disprove a Creator God. And he reminds us how the vast universe reminds us of God's personal care of us.

The Creation of a Goldilocks World

As David wrote in Psalm 33, when we consider the heavens and earth, it should lead to the reverence of our awesome God. He created the planets, stars, the sun, and every galaxy, each with a specific purpose. In this tour of the heavens, Pastor Davey illuminates the meticulous and miraculous scientific details of the earth and heavenly bodies, reminding us that amid all God's breathtaking creation, He knows and cares for us even more.

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