A Tale of Two Sons
Examples of Godliness
A Sacrifice and a Sign
I Wish I Had More Faith
Money Matters, Part 2
Question and Answer Program No. 44
Money Matters, Part 1
It All Began with a Bad Decision
Rewarding Faith with Famine
Saying Goodbye to Security
Truth for Today!
The book of Romans has been considered by many scholars and theologians throughout the ages to be the magnum opus of all Paul's letters--as well as the pillar of Christian doctrine and practice. So in this message Stephen reveals to us why this book is not only essential for Christians . . . it is essential for Christianity.
Jesus Is God
The fact that 11 of Jesus' 12 disciples were martyred for their proclamation of Christ's Divinity should tell you two things: first, that Christ's Divine nature is absolutely foundational to Christianity; and second, that the world doesn't like it.
Gripped by the Gospel
When Paul says in Romans 1:16 that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, did you know that the Greek word he uses for 'power' in that passage is translated 'dynamite' in English?! Paul is saying that the Gospel isn't just power . . . its explosive power! And he watched it explode in the lives of thousands of men and women throughout his ministry. So if you're feeling weak or ineffective today in your own outreach, this is a message you don't want to miss.
Becoming Wise All Over Again
The life of Israel's King Solomon is a study of the highs and lows of a personal walk with God. Solomon gives us an object lesson on what a life can look like when one obeys and follows the commands of a holy God, but also how disobedience and self-focus can derail spiritual growth. Eventually, Solomon comes to the conclusion that a successful life is not wrapped up in what you do or how much you own, but to whom you belong.
Beyond Christmas and Birthdays
Besides toys, jewelry, education, sports fees, food, clothing and shelter, are you giving your family the gift that matters most?