Castaway Nation?

Is God finished with the Jewish people? Has He forgotten about the promises He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The Apostle Paul gives us the profound answer to those questions in Romans chapter 11.

The Wounds of God

In Romans 10:21 the Apostle Paul invites us to forsake the binding chains of religion and embrace the liberating arms of a relationship.

Now Performing: The Original Gospel Choir

Both Israel and the Church claim to be the chosen people of God, so who is right? The Apostle Paul gives us the incredible answer.

This Little Light of Mine

In Romans 10:15 the Apostle Paul asks the rhetorical question, “How will people hear the Gospel unless we tell them?” They won’t. So let’s tell them. 

Rescuing the Perishing

There’s room in Heaven for a lot more people so why aren’t we going out and inviting them?

The Consumer is NOT King

Who is really pulling the strings of world history? The Illuminati? The United Nations? The Devil? Not even close.

The REAL Apostles' Creed

The Gospel is so complex that it will take all of eternity for us to grasp the enormity of it, but it is also so simple that even a child can understand it. So the question is… do you believe it?

Buying Heaven with Make-Believe Money

If we can somehow earn our way to heaven then what was the point of Christ being slaughtered on the cross?

Full Speed in the Wrong Direction

The Apostle Paul makes is clear that we are all running toward eternity. The question is… are you running in the right direction?

Leaving a Suitcase in Israel

The Apostle Paul invested himself in every city and every church and every person he came across because he realized that people are eternal. Will you do the same?

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