You Can Beat the December Blues
Take these steps today to make this December a good one!
Are You Sitting in Spiritual Darkness?
Let Jesus light up your life with His presence and you will never walk in darkness again!
Here's How to Spiritually Encourage Yourself
God's power never wanes even when we do!
Ingratitude is a Sin!
Be sure to thank God for what He has withheld as well as for what He has given!
Are You Living Your Thanksgiving?
Gratitude in action is what really counts!
Here is the Thing About Jesus
Was Jesus a great moral teacher or the Son of God?
Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?
Jesus is all things to people--food for the hungry, light to the blind, hope for the desperate, rest for the weary, and, certainly, the answer to our doubt.
Here's How You Can Face Discouragement
Renewal and perspective are the keys to weathering discouragement.
Is Spiritual Blindness Crippling Your Life
Paul says that blindness is like a heavy fog, keeping the unregenerate person from clearly seeing who Jesus Christ really is.
4 Reasons We are Hesitant to Commit to Marriage
Why are so many today hesitant to commit to a long-term relationship?