The 3 Things We Truly Need

What happens when you define "need" in a biblical context?

Here's What Stands in the Way of Your Prayers

Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but yours!

The Most Important Things You Can Say to Your Grandchildren

You can be a powerful force in the lives of your grandchildren! Write them a letter telling them what you really want them to know.

What Faith Feels Like

Do you ever have a panicked feeling when you realize that all

How Do You Keep Love Alive?

Is your commitment to marriage strong enough to stay married, but not strong enough to resolve the issues that keep you from being happy?

Answer These 4 Questions to Find Meaning in Your Life

When we hit rock bottom, the answers to four questions can lead us to the real hope for our lives.

Are You an Emotional Abuser?

When you use emotions to manipulate people, you will lose relationships and more down the road.

What Does God Say About Parenting in a Violent World?

You cannot control the seeming storm of violence in the world, but you can maintain an atmosphere of peace and tranquility in your own home!

Here's a Story of Real Faith You've Missed

The Bible shows God using both men and women in His great story of love and care for mankind.

5 Steps to Satisfaction in God

God is far more desirous of a relationship with you than you are with Him!

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