Never Too Far Gone

You don't have to live with fear that you have gone too far to come back.

Why Don't We Read the Bible?

The Bible has been and still is the best-selling book in all the world.

Ever Read the Bible ?

Have you ever read the Bible from cover to cover?

Serving from a Place of Security

The curse of selfishness can only be overcome by knowing who you are in the sight of God.

Beyond Care Lies Compassion

How do we learn to overcome our selfishness so that others count?

Caring is Contagious

How do you cause people to turn into compassionate, sensitive people?

Learning to Care

Caring is something which is caught, not taught.


Have people lost the ability to care about other people?

The God Supreme

Never settle for anything lesser than the God Supreme, the maker of all heaven and earth!


There is an end to the patience and the mercy of the Almighty.

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