Looking Back

Can you accept what God says about your past life and move on?

The "Interpretation" of Truth

Since when does truth have to be interpreted?

Armageddon--History's Last Stop

Do you know what Armageddon is all about?

When You're Persecuted

How should you respond when you become a target of hostility or persecution for doing right?

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Why is it easier to make war than to make peace?

The God Who Gives New Hearts

It's time to learn how your heart can be pure!

God, Rich in Mercy

We can only hope for mercy in the hand of our Almighty.

Thirsty for God

Do you have a desire to know God?

How to Overcome Temptation

What do you do when you are tempted to do something you know is wrong?

Saying "Yes" When You Mean "No"

Here are some guidelines that will help you say "no" without hurting some feelings.

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