Moment of Truth - Coming Back

Jesus is dead, isn't he? What if you knew he isn't dead and will be coming back? What would you change if you knew that to be true?

Purposed Podcast - Episode 12

How Committed are You?

Moment of Truth - Romans 1:17

How many good works does it take to get to heaven? How much money do you have to give to get to heaven?

Moment of Truth - John 10:10

Would you describe you life as "abundant"? Would you like to truly do so? in this episode, Craig Church shows the way to have an "Abundant Life".

Purposed Podcast - Episode 10

The Supremacy of Jesus

Moment of Truth - John 8:32

We can do things our way, whenever we want, right? Have you ever wondered how does that line up with truth? Craig Church can help you understand the importance of knowing the correct answer.

Purposed Podcast - Episode 11

Part 3: Determine to Fear and Fear Not

The Thief

Have you ever wondered why in the world you are here? Have you ever wondered what your purpose is? Why do you do what you do? What is the goal in your life?

It's Still The Blood - Ephesians 1 Verse 7

Where can you find true peace, hope and salvation? People try some weird things and go to odd places trying to find them. But where can they be found?

Purposed Podcast - Episode 9


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