Judas Betrays Jesus

How would you handle betrayal? How did Jesus handle it, especially knowing it was going to happen?

The Lamb of God

Why should it matter to you that Jesus is the "Lamb of God"?

Christ Our Passover

Why was it such a big deal that someone poured an expensive perfume on Jesus' feet? How did Jesus handle the situation? Listen to Chuck Smith's answers to these questions in today's episode of "The Word for Today".

The Olivet Discourse

What was Jesus speaking about when He said "they would rule"?

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

What was Jesus trying to communicate when He told the parable of the 10 virgins? Listen to Chuck Smith's answer in this edition of "The Word for Today".

The Great Tribulation

What is the "time of great tribulation"?

Signs of God's Return

What will be signs of the end times and the Lord's return? In this episode of "The Word for Today", Chuck Smith shares from the Bible what to expect as signs of the end.

Refusing the Grace of God

Is it possible to do the right thing in the wrong way? Chuck Smith shares his answer in this edition of "The Word for Today".

An Eight Fold Woe

Can you imagine Jesus telling you not to follow the religious leaders you've held in high esteem? Listen to today's episode of "The Word for Today" with Chuck Smith to learn what happened when Jesus told people exactly that.

Be Doers of the Word

After deftly handling their attacking questions, Jesus shares seven "woes" concerning those attacking. He wasn't very nice when He said . . .

Jesus and the Pharisees

They tried to trick him, but somehow, he knew it and . . .

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