A Missing Twelve Year Old

How did two parents not notice that their young son was missing for days?

The Birth of Jesus

"He was the most powerful man on the face of the earth." Who? Chuck Smith's answer may surprise you, so listen to today's edition of "The Word for Today".

What is "Acceptable" Behavior?

What makes certain behavior acceptable in a society?

Engaged, Espoused and Married

What is the difference between "engaged", "espoused" and "married"? What makes it so important to know the difference?

Zechariah's Prayer is Answered

Is God able to answer seemingly impossible prayers?

Luke Addresses Theopolos

Who was Luke?

The Hope of Jesus

Why place any hope in Jesus?

Jesus Gave His Life

Was Jesus killed or did He choose to give up His life?

Jesus Crucified

Did Jesus take any pain killers which on the cross?

Judging Jesus

"Each of you stand as a judge of Jesus." Why would Chuck Smith make such a bold statement? It he correct?

Jesus Brought before Pilate

Why did Jesus stay silent before those falsely charging Him?

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