Feeling Discouraged?
Did you know that how we live our lives matters? How so? Let Dr. Joy Green explain in this edition of "Joytimes Ministries".
You're Not Alone!
Dr. Joy Greene shares that even in your darkest hours, you are not alone. Learn why she says that in today's edition of "Joytime Ministries".
Trusting at All Times
Do you know that God can see what you can't see? Have you learned you can trust Him at all times? Listen to Dr. Joy Greene explain why in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".
A Dark Place
Does the world seem like a dark place? What does Dr. Joy say you need to keep in mind? Listen to today's edition of "Joytime Ministries" to find out.
God Sees the Heart
God searches for people whose hearts are faithful to . . .
No Need to Worry!
If you are a Christian, did you know you have no reason or need to worry about the future?
God's Love for You
Did you know God's love for you is so deep it can't be measured?
Spinning Out of Control
Did you know we have no reason to fear when life seems to be spinning out of control? Let Dr. Joy Greene share why in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".
Is Heaven Real?
Why would Dr. Joy Greene say boldly and confidently that heaven is real? Listen to her explain why in this edition of "Joytime Ministries".
A Really Bad Day!
What can you do when you are having a really bad day? Listen to Dr. Joy in today's version of "Joytime Ministries".