Have your emotions ever gotten the best of you? What should you do when that happens?
Strong Faith
How can you measure how strong your faith is?
Full Plates?
Is your plate too full? What can you do when life gets too stressful?
Our Word Usage
How can you improve your word usage? Is it always wise to "speak your mind"?
Unkept Promises
Do you do what you say you were going to do? How well do you keep your word? What happens when you don't? How can you become a promise keeper?
To-Do Lists
Do you have a "to-do list"? Dr Joy has some good advice for you if you do, so listen to this edition of "Joytime Ministries".
Why would Dr. Joy say that our circumstances have nothing to do with God's faithfulness and goodness? Listen to today's edition of "Joytime Ministries" to find out.
Bad Moods
If you are human, you will find times where you are rather grumpy. So how does one get out of a grumpy mood? Dr. Joy Greene has a prescription for you in today's episode of "Joytime Ministries"
When you think back on your life, has it gone according to your plans?
Are You Afraid of Heights?
How is our faith similar to going zip lining?