The Amazing Truth of the Bible - Part 2

The Bible is clear that it’s wrong to lie, cheat, and steal . . . but how clear is it about something even more fundamental? What does Scripture say about its own reliability . . . about why you should trust it . . . and the dangers of not trusting it? John MacArthur helps you consider those important questions when you join him for his study titled . . . Is the Bible Reliable? on this edition of GRACE TO YOU.

The Amazing Truth of the Bible - Part 1

If you’re a Christian, how can you be ready to defend Scripture as you should? When you’re faced with questions about the Bible’s accuracy, what should you say? For practical answers, join John MacArthur as he equips you to defend God’s Word from the attacks of critics . . . and along the way, deepens your trust in and love for biblical truth.

The Defense of Inspiration - Part 2

Maybe you find some of the moral teachings in the Bible helpful, but how can a book that is thousands of years old be a reliable guide for the complex issues you face today? Can you really trust a book as old as the Bible to solve modern problems? Well, stay here as John MacArthur puts Scripture to the test . . . on GRACE TO YOU.

The Defense of Inspiration - Part 1

Do you have questions about the Bible? Well, join the club. If you are wondering what it means that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, then you’ll want to join John MacArthur as he’s going to build your confidence in the Bible perhaps like never before.

Our God-Breathed Bible - Part 2

For decades, John MacArthur and GRACE TO YOU have been“Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time” . . . connecting as many people as possible to the life-changing truth of God’s Word . . . verse by verse. John takes a detailed look at how the Bible came to be and answers the critical question . . . Is the Bible Reliable?

Our God-Breathed Bible - Part 1

When you have questions about how to handle finances, or to stop worrying, or to resolve conflict . . . where do you look for answers? Where can you turn for clear direction that you can count on, every time? Well, GRACE TO YOU is all about helping you see that the Bible gives reliable answers for your life. So join John MacArthur as he shows you why you can trust the Bible.

God Has Spoken—But Why? - Part 2

If you’ve ever taken a college-level course, you know about prerequisites—classes that you need to complete before taking others. It’s all about preparing you for greater learning. Well, when it comes to getting all you can from Scripture, a key prerequisite is that you believe that the Bible truly is the Word of God. John MacArthur helps build that sort of confidence in Scripture . . . on this edition of GRACE TO YOU.

God Has Spoken—But Why? - Part 1

How important is it to believe that the Bible is completely accurate? Your answer has more implications for your life than you may think. For over fifty-five years, John MacArthur has been teaching the Bible . . . digging deep into its meaning, verse by verse. And now, John will show you why you can trust God’s Word.

God Has Spoken - Part 2

In court, when several witnesses give corroborating testimonies, that makes a strong case. And you know, that’s the situation with the many human authors of the Bible—their writings form a consistent, unified story. And that’s just one reason that you can trust the Bible. Join John MacArthur for even more reasons you can trust every word of Scripture on GRACE TO YOU.

God Has Spoken - Part 1

You’ve probably heard that a Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. The reason: When you’re constantly reading your Bible and meditating on its truth, you’re constantly renewed by its life-changing principles. So risk some wear and tear on your Bible with John MacArthur as he builds your confidence in the truth of God’s Word on GRACE TO YOU.

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