How is your relationship with Jesus? What could be learned from the ancient church at Ephesus to help us today? Pastor Ross Marion shares various aspects from scripture on these questions in today's sermon at Wake Chapel Christian Church.
Why did angry, accusing people quietly and slowly withdraw from the mob scene? What is Jesus' view of sin? How does Pastor Isaac Mooneyham handle this delicate passage of scripture from John 8?
Written 700 years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied specifics about the birth. How does that help you and I today? What does that mean for us? Dan Peters shares the answers as he continues his series on "Ancient Prophecies of His Coming" at Wake Chapel Christian Church.
What are we supposed to learn from the unjust, shrewd steward? Does Jesus want us to be dishonest? Pastor Isaac Mooneyham gives the answer in this sermon preached at Wake Chapel Christian Church.