Calling the Kettle Black

Speaking the truth is important, but speaking the truth in love is most important. Criticism should always be given to help the other person, not harm them. Job's friend Bildad didn't get that. Not only did he offer bad advice to his suffering companion, but he did it in the most unloving way possible.

Escaping the Dungeonof Gian Despair

What do you do when you're depressed? Do you go for a drive? Do you talk with a friend? Do you pray and read Scripture? Do you give up on God? The dungeon of despair often feels dark and lonely, but job's story reminds us that we are never really alone. Jesus knows what it is to suffer . . . and He can sympathize with all our weakness.

Avoiding the Error of Eliphaz

Has someone ever asked you for spiritual advice and you weren't sure what advice to give them? It isn't a good feeling, is it? But as we look at the advice that Job's closest friends gave him during his most difficult trial, we'll learn that not having an answer is sometimes better than giving the wrong answer.

Hitting Rock Bottom, Part 2

If Job -- a man of character, integrity and faith -- can hit rock bottom, you and I can as well. Most of us have already. That is why, when dealing with the problem of suffering, there is no better place for us to turn than to this little Divinely inspired book called Job.

Hitting Rock Bottom, Part 1

If Job -- a man of character, integrity and faith -- can hit rock bottom, you and I can as well. Most of us have already. That is why, when dealing with the problem of suffering, there is no better place for us to turn than to this little Divinely inspired book called Job.

The Ministry of Presence

When a person is suffering, they sometimes need a pat on the back or a get well card. They also sometimes need an encouraging verse of Scripture. But one thing that suffering Saints always need is presence. When you don't know what to say or write to that suffering friend, then don't say anything. Just be there. It will make all the difference.

Some Closing Words from Peter

Stephen puts an exclamation point on this practical and encouraging letter from the Apostle Peter by emphasizing the importance of church unity--we believers belong to one another in Christ, and we're called to live in this world for Him. But how are we to do that when, as in the first century, our culture is increasingly hostile toward Christians? Discover eight action steps to live in the state of peace established by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

The Healer of Broken Hearts

How do you handle suffering? Do you try to deal with it yourself only to ultimately crumble under the stress and sorrow? Suffering serves a glorious purpose--God uses it to refine us, grow us, and make us more like Him. Thankfully, we don't have to face trials alone. We can rest in the God of all grace, relying on Him for strength and comfort. This lesson expounds upon how, in our heartbreak, God Himself mends us, builds us up, and sets our feet on solid ground.

Dealing With the Devil, Part 2

Satan is our adversary, our accuser. He accuses us to God and accuses God to us. In this lesson, Stephen highlights some of Satan's favorite tactics to destroy us, and also reminds us that Satan's power is Providentially delegated and limited. We also learn from 1 Peter 5:9 how we can resist the enemy's attacks. But, above all, we must remember that our only hope for triumph is by standing in the Victory already won for us by Jesus Christ.

Dealing With the Devil, Part 1

Satan is our adversary, our accuser. He accuses us to God and accuses God to us. In this lesson, Stephen highlights some of Satan's favorite tactics to destroy us, and also reminds us that Satan's power is Providentially delegated and limited. We also learn from 1 Peter 5:9 how we can resist the enemy's attacks. But, above all, we must remember that our only hope for triumph is by standing in the Victory already won for us by Jesus Christ.

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