Dealing With the Devil, Part 1

Satan is our adversary, our accuser. He accuses us to God and accuses God to us. In this lesson, Stephen highlights some of Satan's favorite tactics to destroy us, and also reminds us that Satan's power is Providentially delegated and limited. We also learn from 1 Peter 5:9 how we can resist the enemy's attacks. But, above all, we must remember that our only hope for triumph is by standing in the Victory already won for us by Jesus Christ.

What Lions Want for Lunch, Part 2

Although as Christians we are eternally secure in the Lord, the enemy--Satan--is on the hunt to devour us. He and his minions have studied humanity since Adam and Eve. They have studied you--your words, actions and even the subtlest responses of your eyes. So even though he cannot read your mind, Satan knows what you're thinking through his observations . . . and his attacks are custom designed to trip you up, steal your joy, and doubt your security in Jesus.

What Lions Want for Lunch, Part 1

Although as Christians we are eternally secure in the Lord, the enemy--Satan--is on the hunt to devour us. He and his minions have studied humanity since Adam and Eve. They have studied you--your words, actions and even the subtlest responses of your eyes. So even though he cannot read your mind, Satan knows what you're thinking through his observations . . . and his attacks are custom designed to trip you up, steal your joy, and doubt your security in Jesus.

Introducing the Angel of Light

Satan is real. And he hates you, desiring nothing less than your destruction. In this teaching, Pastor Davey unveils the very real and constant battle every believer is fighting against the enemy of our souls. But to prepare for victory, we must first understand just who our adversary really is and be able to recognize his masterful schemes to destroy our testimony, our integrity, our joy, and our fruit.

Slaying the Dragon of Worry

Throughout history, humans have struggled with worry. And becoming a Christian does not, as some would teach, eliminate anxiety or the troubles that cause it. But in God's Word, the believer is given instruction on how to deal with inevitable worry. Here, we are commanded to surrender not just our cares, but also our circumstances, ourselves, and our lives to the One Who knows, loves, and cares for us.

Aprons for Everyone

We live in a generation of "I want what I want, and I want it now!"--and pride is actually encouraged. But, as Christians, we are called to demonstrate humility, imitating Jesus Christ as He humbled Himself for us. Through these verses in 1 Peter, Stephen expounds upon three key qualities of humility by which we can show our love for others and to our Lord.

The Shepherd's Heart

After having encouraged the Church to stand strong in faith during difficult times, the Apostle Peter turns to Church leaders—the shepherds—to describe three attitude principles of how they are to care for the flock. Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus, they are to serve willingly, enthusiastically, and selflessly. And what is the incentive to shepherd well? Anticipation of the Chief Shepherd's return . . . and the awaiting reward for leading the sheep safely to His feet.

A Job Description for Shepherds

The theme of shepherding is common throughout the Bible, but it's not really an analogy our culture can relate to like people in Biblical times. It is, however, the perfect illustration of Church leadership. In these verses from 1 Peter, the Apostle defines this divine calling of leadership, reminding Church shepherds to guard, guide, feed and love the flock. But whether a shepherd or a sheep, we must all follow the ultimate Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Paradise Regained, Part 2

Throughout this series Stephen has laid out the blueprints of the future paradise that Christ is preparing for those who love Him--and what an astounding piece of real-estate it is! But in this message Stephen reminds us that our real joy in heaven will not come from walking on golden streets or living behind pearly gates or witnessing stunning topography . . . the real joy will be seeing Christ at last!

Paradise Regained, Part 1

Throughout this series Stephen has laid out the blueprints of the future paradise that Christ is preparing for those who love Him--and what an astounding piece of real-estate it is! But in this message Stephen reminds us that our real joy in heaven will not come from walking on golden streets or living behind pearly gates or witnessing stunning topography . . . the real joy will be seeing Christ at last!

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