Glory to God...Alone!

Jesus spoke about Hell almost twice as much as He spoke about Heaven. Maybe we would talk about it a lot more, too, if we took Christ's words seriously.

The Answer Came Knocking

Sometimes expecting the worst may prevent us from experiencing God's best. In this message Stephen reminds us why our faith in God should be a little more optimistic.

The Antioch Example

What does grace look like? It looks like people coming to faith; people praying; people giving to help others; people accepting others, regardless of color or national origin. Have you seen grace in action lately?

The Church That Changed

What's the difference between your personal convictions and God's commands? Stephen reminds us in this message that being fully in God's will requires learning the difference.

The Drama of Change

Did you know that when speaking of God, there are two words you can't use in the same sentence? ('No' and 'Lord') He is either Lord of your life, or He isn't!

The Last Pentecost

Have we bought into the truth that the Holy Spirit really did descend? Do we really believe that the third Person of the Trinity really does permanently indwell every believer? And does it show in the way we live?

Throwing Dice ... Drawing Straws

Like drawing straws or picking a hand, we sometimes seek God's will like it's a game of chance. But the tools for discovering God's will are not mystical. So throw the dice away and learn how to discover the will of God.

Last Words

A person's last words are his or her most important. That's why Jesus' challenge before He ascended into heaven is called the "great" commission: "Go and make disciples of all men." Are you obeying His last command?

The Promise

The power of the Holy Spirit was never intended to be an end in itself. The Holy Spirit was given to us to sanctify us -- to set us apart. But people miss this all the time and treat Him like some sort of energy source.

On the Edge of Their Seats!

The disciples are waiting anxiously in Jerusalem. Jesus has just ascended into heaven and promised that a Comforter would come. But what would His arrival be like? When would He come? How would He come?

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