Island of Refuge

Everyone needs the Lord. And no one is beyond saving. From an evil dictator to your annoying next-door neighbor . . . are you praying for your enemies?


There is something incredibly moving about the faithful testimony of someone who is in the process of being shipwrecked. When faith is shaken and rocked, that's when it is most definitely proven.

The Last Herod

The deception of being religious is that it can cause you to believe you are right with God when you really aren't. It can give you the appearance of godliness without giving you a genuine relationship with God.

Later . . . Lord!

The proverb of today's culture is, Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after! But postponing discipleship is not a good idea. Seek God today when He can be found. Tomorrow might be too late.

Losing Your Cool

Even the Apostle Paul blew his testimony in front of a crowd. It can happen to any of us. But the good news is that even when we are unfaithful, God remains faithful!

Reaching the Resistant

How do you reach unbelieving family friends when they each have different perspectives and responses? First, discern where they are coming from before you proceed to share with them where they need to go.

Personal Suffering 101

Trials are a classroom for faith and suffering is the teacher. But what is it supposed to teach us?

When the Multitude of Counselors is Wrong!

Proverbs 11:14 tells us that 'in the multitude of counselors there is safety,' and as a general rule this is indeed true. But what happens when all the counselors around you are wrong; even your godly friends?

The Sad Farewell

Imagine what must it have been like when the Apostle Paul left the early Christians for the last time. Their ministry had been established by his constant prayers, challenges, and visits. But those who live lives of abandon for God always leave so much behind.

Describing the Deceivers

How can we distinguish between a charismatic Christian leader and a false prophet? That's an important question . . . because if we don't know what a sheep looks like, we'll never be able to spot the wolves.

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