Christ, Church, and Religion: Fix Your Mind

What is it that distinguishes a Christian? Is lifestyle a strong indicator that an individual is a Christian? If not, why not? While Paul addresses this question to his readers in Colossae, the admonition lands powerfully for us today.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Don't Follow Human Rules

Being a rule follower is a good thing, right? Or is it? Our study today helps us sort out rules that have been added to the essential truth of the Gospel and as such, become dangerous to our faith.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Don't Chase Shadows

Christianity, and religion…. The same thing? Or is there a danger to let subtle additions get in the way of our core relationship with Christ? And what exactly is that danger? Paul addresses this in our study passage.

Christ, Church, and Religion: Don't Stop at the Sign

Is it possible for good things to get in the way of the best thing? Paul addresses his readers’ attention to good things… things that have become more important than the main truth those things are pointing at.

Christ, Church, and Religion: How to Not Be Disappointed Ever Again

It’s a heartwarming slam dunk—the person in need is told to open the door, revealing an ample supply of just what they desperately needed. It would be sad to watch that person continue to search, but is that what we do in a spiritual sense? What exactly is “fullness"? That’s the focus of our study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: How Not to Be Gullible

“Distracted by bright, shiny things!” Does that describe anyone you know? Perhaps, you? In this study, Paul addresses the spiritual equivalent of bright, shiny things and warns against falling for false teachings.

Christ, Church, and Religion: How to Avoid the Trade-Up

“But wait, there’s more!” The church in Colossae was being presented with “gospel-plus” teachings. In today's study, we’re going to explore the gospel, and how if we really understand it, we’ll guard ourselves against unnecessary add-ons.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Road to Success, Part 2

Many analogies are presented in scripture for our roles in the kingdom. Do any of them align with our modern “sales associate?” What does a successful approach to church or evangelism look like? What should our attitude toward non-members be? Important questions are addressed in today’s study.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Road to Success, Part 1

What is the mission of the church? Evangelism, fellowship, teaching, sending… making perfect? What is this perfection that Paul talks about? And what is the role of the church in our pursuit of perfection? We’re working further into the first chapter of Colossians as our study continues.

Christ, Church, and Religion: The Slippery Slope

You tell a friend about Jesus. But you exclude the part about everyone being a sinner so as not to offend. Have you really presented the Gospel? What happens when we deviate—to accommodate? We’ll look at this question as our study in Colossians continues.

Christ, Church, and Religion: What Matters on Monday

Do you experience the Sunday Spiritual Syndrome? You’re lifted to heights during worship on Sunday, but just 24 hours later, you’re being pummeled by discouragement, frustration, and a lack of hope. Our study in Colossians tries to connect Monday to Sunday.

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