A Godly Leader’s Judgment

In our last time together, we learned a lesson in leadership from Paul. Today our title is A Godly Leader’s Judgement, someone is probably thinking, “Another lesson on leadership, well this won’t apply to me.” Not so fast, before you go there, think about what leadership really is.

A Leader’s Godly Jealousy

Today our study takes us to II Corinthians 11 where Paul is defending himself before the Corinthians. Here Paul stands up to those who are criticizing him. This takes lots of humility and wisdom. Our title is “A Leaders Godly Jealousy” and J Mark will share three responses of a Godly leader’s jealousy, lets listen and learn together.

What Do You Boast In?

We cannot fully imagine what it meant for Jesus to humble Himself and take on human form. He exchanged His heavenly perfection for the form of a human being and took on the characteristics of an obedient servant. He did it willingly, motivated by His love for you and me. According to Philippians 2:5, we are to adopt this mindset in our relationships with each other.

Engaging in Spiritual Warfare

Today’s teaching is a lot like driving a vehicle. We have got to keep it in the middle, on either side there is a ditch, meaning there is error if we swing too far either direction. Satan does not care which ditch you fall into. He will be happy with either one. Our topic today is “Engaging in Spiritual Warfare” this topic has two extremes or ditches we must do our best to avoid. CS Lewis summarized it well he said, “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.”

The Graces of Giving

Today is the final lesson on giving. Chapters 8 and 9 in II Corinthians teach us many things about giving. Our first lesson was “The Heart of Giving,” and today’s lesson is titled “The Graces of Giving.” I mention the first one since it is similar to this one. Both address our motives and the reasons we give. We encourage you to think with us about the thoughts and motives behind your actions. Be sensitive to God speaking to you through His Word, have a soft heart, and allow His Spirit to change you for the better. Good things happen when the child of God opens the Word of God and is changed by the Spirit of God.

Guidelines for Group Giving

This lesson will deal with some specifics of group giving. If you remember, the last two lessons were about other aspects of giving. The first one was about the heart behind our giving—what is your motivation? The second lesson gave us three ways we can give generously.

Achieving Excellence in Giving

Last week, we examined “The Heart of Giving.” This was the first of several lessons examining different aspects of giving. Jesus is quoted in Acts as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” This is directly opposite our human nature, but if Jesus said it, this is how we want to live.

The Heart of Giving

Today, our lesson is from the first seven verses of II Corinthians 8. This lesson and the following three lessons are about different aspects of giving. I’ve already heard some people say,” I will start giving when I have more to give.” Some people think they don’t make enough or don’t have enough to be giving now. The Bible never ties giving to making or having a certain amount. All His children are expected to give, and today, we will look at the heart we should have as we give.

Contagious Joy

There is a short parable in Mat 13 which gives us a good foundation for our lesson. Verse 44 says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Notice how he sold everything. He was filled with joy to sell it all. Can we say the same? Is this the foundation of our joy? This is the best foundation for joy, only in surrendering everything and dying to self can we experience real joy.

The Joys of Sorrow

Life is filled with a variety of experiences. Joy and sorrow are often mingled. This reality appears in our Scripture text for today.

The Pursuit of Holiness, Part 2

It is good to be with you again this week. We are looking forward to finishing the lesson which we started last week. Last week J Mark taught on the measures or steps we can take to aid us in our pursuit of holiness. The first one was the measure of openness and the second was the measure of discernment. Today we will talk about the final thing we can do to pursue holiness. It is the measure of separation.

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