Who Is God?

A summary of universal questions are answered in this episode by Dr. Clarkson. The biggest question answered here is, "Who Is God?" Does God want us to know Him?

Jesus Is God

It would be the last trip to Jerusalem, what would Jesus tell his disciples? In this audio drama, Jesus tells them about how He will . . .

God is Our Heavenly Father

In this audio drama, Jesus tells his disciples more about what God is like. For instance, when the disciples were talking about who is the greatest disciple, Jesus surprises them when He interrupts them and says . . .

God Knows Who I Am

What will God's Kingdom be like? Does God listen to people's prayers? Listen in to this dramatic presentation giving the answers to these questions and more.

The Great Commission

What must it have been like to see and talk with Jesus after Jesus died and rose again? What were the last words Jesus said to his disciples? Matthew tells of how Jesus inspired him and many others.

Resurrection of Jesus

John tells us about some of the challenges he faced in those lonely hours following Jesus’ death

The Trial and Crucifixion

John tells of his experience when the temple officials put Jesus on trial.

The Lord's Supper

John describes the memorable things Jesus said and did as they gathered in an upper room to observe the Passover.

Authorities Plot Against Jesus

Nicodemus struggles with trusting Jesus because of his own position in Israel's governing body.

Raising of Lazarus

John, the "beloved disciple", gives us a more personal look at Jesus.

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