How You Can Be Sure

What are three witnesses telling us we can know for sure of salvation? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares them in this edition of "Love Worth Finding". Listen and learn.

All Things New

What does the Bible mean when it says we become new creations? How much is it like changes in a frog's life. What can we learn from studying Paul's conversion?

The Devil's Religion

Did you know that the devil loves religion? How so? Let Dr. Adrian Rogers help you understand this in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".

Wherever He Leads I'll Go

How interested are you in following God's direction in your life? What do you need to know and do in order to follow God's leading? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares on this and more in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".

How to Turn Problems into Possibilities

Have you realized that problems are really opportunities? At least, for the Christians that is true. How so? Find out by listening to Dr. Adrian Rogers on this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

The Expedience of Obedience

Why do so few Christians look happy? How can you be a happy Christian? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares how in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

Lifestyle Evangelism

Christian, did you know that there is something you are privileged to do that angels are not able to do? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares on this and more in today's episode of "Love Worth Finding".

God's Warning to Big Pretenders

God's pretty smart! Does God know you to be a hypocrite? What did the devil do to try to stop the growth of the church? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares on Acts 5 in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".

How to Put Power in Your Prayer

Are your prayers wimpy when they could be powerful? How do you put power in your prayer? Let Dr. Adrian Rogers help you understand how to do such in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

The Secret of Holy Boldness

Do people wonder if you have been with Jesus? What made Peter and John so bold in sharing Jesus? Dr. Adrian Rogers answers this question in today's edition of "Love Worth Finding".

The Keys to a Beautiful Life

Are you pursuing a beautiful life? What are the keys to such? Dr. Adrian Rogers shares them in this edition of "Love Worth Finding".

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