Piercing The Impenetrable

For God all things are possible, specifically that which stands in opposition to His will and purpose, whether it be in the heart of an individual, or the attitude of a nation. He is sovereign in His mercy, and All-mighty in His power to quietly deal with the resistance to Himself, winning the heart and soul of the one who is seeking Him. He penetr…read more

Dying For Lack Of Knowledge

Knowledge of the truth concerning Christ, God, and salvation, are essential if one is to believe. Sometimes that knowledge is small, and yet truth. The Spirit of God can use even the smallest truth of God in Christ, to bring, or draw the seeking heart to Himself. The more we seek Christ by the Spirit, according to the truth of Scripture, the greater the certainty that Christ gives, that we belong to Him by the faith that He gives.

Assurance Before God

Where does assurance before God come from? It comes first from a knowledge of God, and what Christ has accomplished on the Cross. Peace with God is not only a state or condition before God by Christ's precious blood, but the proof of an invitation to come in faith, nothing doubting. By the Spirit who confirms our access, and strengthens the heart, assurance is a blessed reality.

The Mystery now Revealed

There is a mystery that has been hidden from the foundation of the world, but now revealed unto men, specifically believers in Christ. It is that union with Christ, by the Spirit, whereby at the new birth, Christ comes to dwell in the heart by faith, the believer becoming one with Him and the Father. Out of the truth of this union, the believer is called to live in communion with the Son of God by the Spirit, to the glory of God.

The Essential Fullness

Every believer has a calling from God to be filled with the Spirit. The precious blood of Christ was shed that all might be cleanses from all sin. The cross was endured that all might be free from sin's enslaving power. And the Spirit of God was poured out, and every believer anointed, so that Christ by His Spirit should be trusted to fill the heart by faith. This is true Christianity, Christ in us, filling us.

Stand On Thy Feet And Hear

When God will deal with an individual, He will speak. Sometimes the preparation by circumstances is necessary to bring that individual to the point of first hearing. Again and again in the New Testament the Lord Jesus addresses this matter of being willing to hear, not for the sake of just knowing the truth, but in order to obey God, and prove the goodness, grace, and mercy of God. To follow Christ one must hear His voice, trust Him, and obey according to His word.

From Prison To Palace

Only God can take an individual from the depths of a prison and cause him to be put into a position in a palace, and this in one day. Why is there the story of Joseph in the Bible? Its purpose is the reveal the sovereign power, mercy, grace, and wisdom of God by His deliberate, decisive, and blessed intervention in the lives of men. God will save the nation of Israel, and that of Egypt, by such a man, one who is truly His, and will serve Him faithfully.

Brought To The Place Of Prayer

God works in mysterious ways to bring His will and purposes to pass in the hearts of His children. Often this is by putting into their hearts, not only the knowledge of His will as revealed in the Scriptures but giving to them the desires of His heart. These desires, which are His invitation to trust Him most fully, are given so that prayer will be made in faith. His purpose is to reveal His glory in the His wondrous working, granting the believer His sufficient grace.

Being Led By The Spirit

It is one thing to ask God to lead us. It is quite another to truly believe Him to do so, and to respond obediently to that which He reveals is His will. The gracious God, our Maker and Redeemer in Christ, never seeks to lead us astray, but to bring us all into conformity with His will. This He will do for the sincere heart, who seeks Him earnestly in His word, trusting the Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus.

Things Never To Forget

There are many things that we neglect, or even forget, which are important. But there are certain things that the believer in Christ must never forget, for they are essential if he would glorify God, and truly live. Christ is truth, as well as Life. The knowledge of His truth, His ways of truth, is the path by which one can know His indwelling, overcoming life. To know Him is to live.

The Quickened Heart

Jesus' teaching of the difference between that which is of God and that which comes from sinful man was very clear. One was by the Spirit, the other was by the flesh, sinful flesh. One was accepted by God, for it was the communication of Christ's life by the Spirit. The other was tainted, and permeated with sin, that which God could never approve of. The believer is given the privilege and responsibility to appropriate the Life of Christ by the Spirit, by faith... living faith, in a living Savior and Lord. This is to truly live.

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