The Manifest Blessing Of God
Psalms 67:7
The Fulness Of The Blessing
When does God give and reveal the fulness of His blessing? He does it when the soul is aligned with His will, and His purposes, for His glory. God gives His glory to no man, and certainly not to idols. But He will bless the one who truly trusts and follows Him. There will certainly be suffering and difficulty in following Christ, but there is the blessedness of His presence, and His sustaining grace.
Not With Eloquence Of Speech
God rarely calls eloquent speaking people to preach His word. Why? It is because there is often a trust in the eloquence instead of being placed only, and wholly in Christ. This is so very important because Christ alone is the believer's power. Without the power of God, there is no true accomplishing of the will of God. God gives power to be used for His glory and the accomplishing of His purposes.
How Must We Live Today
The believer in Christ is not called just to know the truth of Christ, though it is essential to true faith. He is called to know "the power of His resurrection," appropriating His life by faith every day. Why? First of all because Christ has become his Life, and secondly, it is only by abiding in Christ that His blessed life is communicated to us, and through us to a lost and dying world.
Four Spiritual Weapons
The spiritual weapons that God has given to the believer in Christ with which to confront the Adversary are declared to be "mighty through God." Why? It is because He has designed them to be used by His strength, and in His power. All is possible by the Spirit to the one who abides in Christ.
Christ Is Coming From The East
There is a principle in the interpretation of Scripture which deals with the "weight" of meaning, or the repeated importance of a certain of a certain truth or doctrine. One of these very important truths which arises many times, especially in the New Testament, is the return of Christ to this earth. Paul's reference to His coming are numerous in his letters, as the great hope and focus of Christendom should be His return, not only to set up His kingdom on earth, but to fulfill His promise, a testimony to the entire visible and invisible world that He is God.
Thirst Christ's Invitation To Come
How does God draw a soul to him, that he should know God? He begins by getting the attention of the individual, and this by many different means. But it is in the thirst that He gives to the soul that the confirmation of His working is seen and known. The promise of God, of Christ, is that when He gives thirst, He is calling the soul to come and receive from Him forgiveness of sins, and true Life eternal by the Spirit.
The Perception And Practice Of Christ's Power
It is in the revelation of God in Christ, and His working throughout history, that mankind has a perception of God's power. It is quite a different thing to perceive it, and then to know it in the life and heart. It is by the power of God that one repents and believes wholly in Christ as Savior and Lord. This is the quiet power convincing, convicting power that works in us by which we can know God.
The Pivotal Importance Of Cyrus
The importance of Cyrus in the Bible is first and foremost to reveal the sovereignty of God as well as His will, and provision for that will to be done across great spans of time. Cyrus was raised up by God as an example of God's faithfulness, goodness and power. God is definitely the sovereign God of history.
The One Thing Missing
The one thing missing to see the glory of God, or to trust God for His intervention in a life, is prayer. It is a specific prayer to God, appealing to His mercy and grace, so that His intervention will meet the needs of the soul. It is a cry for God's intervention to save, sanctify, and glorify His name, bringing about His will on the earth. Prayer, believing prayer, is the great provision by God to see Him work.
The Imperative Of Christ's Indwelling
Christ in the believer is the certain assurance and hope of all things possible to God, to God the power of God in us. Salvation is Christ, and the revelation of His person by the Spirit. To be filled with the Spirit is to be filled with Christ. This is the purpose of man, for in that purpose is the knowledge of God, for He is life.