Love Is Our Distinct Calling, Part 2
Love Is Our Distinct Calling, Part 1
You would like to use your spiritual gifts more effectively. Pastor Colin talks about how you can do that.
Hope's Surprising Outcome, Part 2
There are some wonderful things that will happen in your life as you grow in hope. Pastor Colin talks about two of them—experiencing deeper comfort and enjoying greater strength.
Hope's Surprising Outcome, Part 1
There are some wonderful things that will happen in your life as you grow in hope. Pastor Colin talks about two of them—being a better witness and living a purer life.
Hope by Grace, Part 2
What does the word “grace” mean? Pastor Colin talks about the difference between relating to God based on the law and based on grace.
Hope by Grace, Part 1
What does the word “grace” mean? Pastor Colin talks about how our hope comes from grace, not law.
Hope through Christ, Part 2
As Christians we live in an “in between” time. Pastor Colin talks about what it looks like for us to live between what we already enjoy in Christ, and what is “not yet” ours.
Hope through Christ, Part 1
Hope comes from God through Jesus Christ. Pastor Colin talks about Colossians 1:27.
Hope in God, Part 2
You are feeling dry and far from God. Pastor Colin talks about four practical ways to grow in hope.
Hope in God, Part 1
You’re in a dry or a dark place, so you take it to the Lord in prayer, but God still seems far away. Pastor Colin talks about David’s experience.
Applied Faith, Part 2
There are three situations where faith especially needs to be applied. Pastor Colin talks about what they are—fear, mistrust, and guilt.