God be merciful to me a sinner

Esther Sisulu and our host, John Mathews, explore the parables and teachings of Jesus that underscore the need for humility, persistence in prayer, and complete devotion to the kingdom of God.

Believing is Seeing

Jesus discusses the nature of faith and the kingdom of God. Faith, Jesus teaches, is like a muscle that grows with use and is manifested through actions, not just feelings or agreement with doctrines.

Money Sex and Power

Jesus addresses the complex relationship between earthly pursuits and spiritual priorities. The chapter begins with the parable of the dishonest manager, illustrating shrewdness in worldly matters, and transitions to discussing the proper use of wealth in serving God.

Lost and Found

On this episode Jesus tells three parables highlighting the theme "Lost and Found."

upset with God

In Luke chapters 13 and 14, Jesus discusses themes of repentance, the kingdom of God, and the cost of discipleship. He addresses the common misconception that those who suffer are greater sinners, emphasizing that all need to repent.

Warning, danger ahead

In Luke Chapter 12, Jesus presents critical teachings to guide his followers through life's unknown path, emphasizing readiness and spiritual vigilance. The chapter focuses on the dangers of hypocrisy, the misplaced fear of man, the peril of greed, the futility of worry, and the importance of acknowledging Christ before others.

O Religion of Little Faith

The theme for the day centers on the contrast between joyless religious practice and the vibrant faith Jesus offers. The chapter highlights the importance of prayer, persistence in faith, and the dangers of a superficial religious life.

An Urgent Mission, with Surprising Results

The theme for the day centers on the contrast between joyless religious practice and the vibrant faith Jesus offers. The chapter highlights the importance of prayer, persistence in faith, and the dangers of a superficial religious life.

Who Is Jesus?

In Luke Chapter 9, our teacher, John Mathews, guides us through the multifaceted nature of Jesus Christ -- his divinity, his humanity, and his mission.

Words to the Wise

Our teacher, John Mathews, highlights the power of Jesus' words in Luke Chapter 8. Jesus teaches the parable of the sower, emphasizing the importance of a receptive heart for God's Word to take root and bear fruit.

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