John 1 He Was God!
Luke 24 Life Born From Death
The chapter recounts the visit of the women to Jesus' tomb, where they find it empty and are greeted by angels who announce His resurrection. The risen Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and later to the apostles, demonstrating His physical presence and opening their understanding of the Scriptures.
Luke 22-23 Death Sentence for the Lord of Life
These chapters cover the heart-wrenching moments leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. The narrative includes Jesus' final Passover meal, his agonizing prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, betrayal by Judas, Peter's denial, Jesus' trials before the Sanhedrin, Pilate, and Herod, and his ultimate crucifixion.
Luke 21 The End is Near!
The chapter begins with religious leaders questioning Jesus' authority, leading to a parable about tenants who reject the vineyard owner's son, symbolizing Israel's rejection of God's messengers and Christ Himself. Jesus also skillfully navigates a trap about paying taxes, underscoring the need to honour earthly rulers while prioritizing our duty to God.
Matthew 19 Long Term Investment
The chapter recounts the story of Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector whose encounter with Jesus leads to repentance and restitution. Jesus teaches the parable of the minas, emphasizing the responsibility to wisely invest what God has given us.
Long-Term Investment
Esther Sisulu and our host, John Mathews, discuss Luke 19 on Mission 66, focusing on the concept of "Long-term Investment" in the kingdom of God.
God be merciful to me a sinner
Esther Sisulu and our host, John Mathews, explore the parables and teachings of Jesus that underscore the need for humility, persistence in prayer, and complete devotion to the kingdom of God.
Believing is Seeing
Jesus discusses the nature of faith and the kingdom of God. Faith, Jesus teaches, is like a muscle that grows with use and is manifested through actions, not just feelings or agreement with doctrines.
Money Sex and Power
Jesus addresses the complex relationship between earthly pursuits and spiritual priorities. The chapter begins with the parable of the dishonest manager, illustrating shrewdness in worldly matters, and transitions to discussing the proper use of wealth in serving God.
Lost and Found
On this episode Jesus tells three parables highlighting the theme "Lost and Found."
upset with God
In Luke chapters 13 and 14, Jesus discusses themes of repentance, the kingdom of God, and the cost of discipleship. He addresses the common misconception that those who suffer are greater sinners, emphasizing that all need to repent.