Who Wrote Nature's Laws?
How smart are nature's laws? And how did they get so brilliant?
Who Is Standing on His Head?
What scientific discoveries made a life-long atheist change his mind?
The Mystery of Life's Origin
What privilege is reserved for a being with a brain?
A Professor Changes His Mind
Should a professor speak his mind in class? What limits should he have?
When God Logs In
How did God "connect" with humans, to guide them what to write in the Bible?
Putting the Pieces Together
What makes you so smart? Just some dumb chemistry?
Sand in the Crankcase
Living your life "for best results."
A Life Saving Scientific Discovery
A Nobel scientist's evaluation of evolution.
Science and Only This or That
Can science prove that you love the person you're kissing?
Noah and the Ark
Is Noah's ark a fable, or fact?
Explanations versus Non-Explanations
Is there a "mega-mind" who might be God?