Parents and Children - Part 2
Ephesians 6
Parents and Children - Part 1
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit and allow the Spirit of God to control our lives, we are impacted in many different, incredible ways. A vital part of a Spirit-filled life is children obeying their parents and parents not provoking their children to anger. Learn more in this message from Dr. David Jeremiah. Covers Ephesians 6:1-4.
Marriage - Part 2
In Ephesians, Paul devotes three verses with advice for wives – and nine verses with guidance for husbands. Is there a correlation? Find out in this message from Dr. David Jeremiah.
Marriage - Part 1
In Ephesians 5, Paul gives us some of the Bible’s most practical and important instruction about marriage. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he breaks down Paul's instructions to husbands and wives on maintaining a godly union. Covers Ephesians 5:22-23.
Walking in Wisdom - Part 2
As you live out your faith each day, are you gaining and demonstrating wisdom? Dr. David Jeremiah shares encouragement for attaining and using wisdom in your day-to-day life.
Walking in Love
Walking shows up in the Bible a lot. We're told to walk in our faith, walk worthy of our calling—and in Ephesians 5:1-2, we are told to walk in love. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines how we learn to walk in love by imitating God.
Walking in Wisdom - Part 1
Wisdom is God giving us the ability to negotiate our lives when we don’t know what to do and when we have no precedent to make our decisions. Because we are living in unprecedented times, we need God's wisdom now more than ever. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines God's Word for insight on what a wise walk looks like.
Leave the Light On - Part 2
Some believers proudly proclaim that they have no non-Christian friends. What does God’s Word say about that? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah looks to the book of Ephesians to examine what it means to bring light into our dark world.
Leave the Light On - Part 1
When Paul says that we are to “walk as children of light,” he is reminding us that this light isn’t “our” light. It’s the light that comes from Almighty God. God is the true light. And we are to reflect that light to others.
Walking in Love - Part 2
Thinking about all the things you don’t have makes it impossible to walk in love. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he shows how being grateful for what you do have can help.
Walking in Love - Part 1
Walking shows up in the Bible a lot. We're told to walk in our faith, walk worthy of our calling—and in Ephesians 5:1-2, we are told to walk in love. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines how we learn to walk in love by imitating God.