Who Am I and Why Am I Here? (Pt. 1)

It’s a question that mankind has been wrestling with from the beginning of time: What is the meaning of life? Dr. David Jeremiah explores the wonderful truth that God has a purpose for our lives.

The Coming Golden Age Interview Part 2

In this interview with Sheila Walsh, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the Millennium and its importance to how we live today.

Thy Kingdom Come

There is a Golden Age coming, one with a great and glorious King who rules over a happy planet filled with noble people. If you're a believer, you will be part of this Kingdom. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah presents a glimpse into the Millennium, Christ's 1,000-year reign on earth.

The Coming Golden Age Interview

In this interview with Sheila Walsh, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the Millennium and its importance to how we live today.

The End of War - Part 2

In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores the peace we will experience on earth during the Millennium.

The End of War - Part 1

Over the last 3,400 years there have been only 260 years of peace. However, a time is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ will return and bring an end to all war. We will no longer have to study war; the implements of warfare will be turned into implements of agriculture. What a time that will be!

Old Age in the Golden Age - Part 2

No matter what treatments we develop in the present age, our lives on this earth will continue to be measured in decades, not centuries. But what about the ages to come? Learn more in this message from Dr. David Jeremiah.

Old Age in the Golden Age - Part 1

Is it reasonable to hope that lifespans will increase in Christ's Millennial Kingdom? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah shows us how the testimony of God's Word proves the reality of prolonged lifespans in the Coming Golden Age.

The End of War

Over the last 3,400 years there have been only 260 years of peace. However, a time is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ will return and bring an end to all war. We will no longer have to study war; the implements of warfare will be turned into implements of agriculture. What a time that will be!

No Devil! - Part 2

What will Satan be doing during the Millennium? Dr. David Jeremiah answers this question and gives us practical insight into how we can live victoriously today.

No Devil! - Part 1

One of the most significant facts about the coming Millennium is the total absence of Satan during Christ's 1,000-year reign. Though we can look ahead with eager anticipation to the days when we are free from the tyranny of our Enemy, it is also important to know that right here, right now, we have the victorious Christ and His unfailing Word with us to withstand Satan's attacks.

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