Essentials for Christian Living
This course provides lessons on a broad range of essential Christian topics. This will be of special interest to new believers and will equip them to submit to the authority of Jesus Christ in all things, grow in Christlikeness and obedience, increase in their knowledge of God and His Word, serve others in love, and to multiply the Church through evangelism and discipleship.
Module 1: Who Is Jesus?
This series of lessons introduces the person and work of Jesus from a Christian perspective, considering His identity, work, teachings and death. Because Jesus is central to the Christian faith and religion, it is vital for the disciple to know Jesus, and for those exploring Christianity to know what makes Jesus Christ unique, and worthy of our discipleship and devotion. You may have participants from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds who have differing ideas about who Jesus is and what He taught. This series will be an excellent foundation for their future studies in discipleship. -
Module 2: Understanding Salvation
This series of lessons examines the very foundational idea of salvation, and what occurs in the life of a person who becomes a Christian. These lessons are critical for every believer to understand before they can effectively share the Gospel with others. Each lesson examines a concept from a Biblical perspective and includes time for discussion of these principles as well as how to effectively apply them to your life. This set of lessons is ideal for use with discipling new believers to ensure they fully understand these ideas. -
Module 3: Christian Life and Worldview
This series of lessons examines the choices and practices that are essential for Christian living. To live as the Word of God teaches us means we understand that the choices we make each day affect our faith. It also means learning to pray, practicing the commands of God and learning to serve others. These are important lessons for understanding the practice of Christianity. Include time to discuss these principles and how to effectively apply them to your life. -
Module 4: Our Relationship with God
This series of lessons examines the relationship we have with God. It begins by understanding our identity in Christ which is a result of our becoming a child of God. This series of lessons looks at the attributes of God, how we learn about God and know Him better, and how we develop this personal relationship. Understanding ourselves in God’s eyes, and having a clearer picture of who God is, will help us live the life that God designed for us. -
Module 5: Introduction to Evangelism
This series of lessons aims to prepare participants to effectively share the Gospel with others. Understanding how God equips us for ministry and how to prepare our Gospel message for various worldviews will help us bring the unchanging message of the hope found in Jesus Christ to a world that does not yet know Him. -
Module 6: Evangelism Using the Four Spiritual Laws
This method uses The Four Spiritual Laws concept written by Bill Bright for Campus Crusade for Christ. This method can be used to structure our evangelism, and is available in booklet form for use as an evangelism tool. Printable versions in many languages are available from These lessons explain The Four Spiritual Laws and how to use them conversationally to explain the Gospel and invite people to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Practical discussion encourages practice of the principles involved. -
Module 7: Christian Disciplines
This series of lessons introduces the disciplines of Christian life, including prayer, Bible study, as well as fixing our mind on eternal things. This is exciting content that should energize and renew the spiritual life of mature Christians and propel newer Christians into deeper faith. The material is practical in nature, yet focused on the many spiritual rewards of a life devoted to God. -
Module 8: God and the Spiritual Realm
This series of lessons examines the reality of the spiritual world – one in which there are forces of both good and evil. This module deals with the origin of evil, the end punishment of Satan, the reality of spiritual warfare and strongholds in our everyday lives, the armor that God has provided us with, God’s great battle plan against Satan, God’s ultimate control over all things and the supernatural ways in which God occasionally communicates with his people through dreams, visions and angelic beings.
Essentials For Spiritual Leadership
Essentials for Spiritual Leadership provides lessons specifically related to leadership from a Christian perspective, and the arenas of life in which one can exercise spiritual leadership. The intended audience for Essentials for Spiritual Leadership are Christians who have a foundational understanding of the Christian faith and practice and who have begun to lead others in the faith. Spiritual leadership takes place in home, at the workplace, in small groups and discipleship relationships and in formal positions within the church such as teacher, pastor, elder or deacon.
Module 1: Exploring Discipleship
This series of lessons studies the spiritual formation of a follower of Jesus Christ – the process referred to as discipleship. The discipleship process occurs after someone comes to faith in Jesus Christ, beginning with a desire to live out God’s plan for their life. When we undertake the task of helping a new believer to grow in their faith, we are said to disciple them. This material will benefit anyone wanting to disciple others, especially those who are practising evangelism, following up with new believers and helping them grow in their faith. Discipleship is the duty of every believer, especially those in spiritual leadership! -
Module 2: Leading Small Groups
The purpose of these lessons is to equip the developing leader with skills and understanding in order to successfully lead a small group. A small group may be a Bible Study or Discipleship group, or any other small group used for discipleship and ministry. The focus is on building strong communication skills and positive relationships, accompanied by an attitude of love and service. Equipping yourself to be a better small group leader will enhance your ability to disciple and teach others, and at the same time, create a more enjoyable experience for everyone. This module is designed for those who are currently in church leadership, small group leadership, or a member of a small group. Hopefully members of a small group will one day take on leadership responsibility of such a group. -
Module 3: Spiritual Gifts
The module examines a broad range of spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture, and how believers can use these gifts in serving God and His people. Participants will be given guidance in how to identify the spiritual gifts they and others around them possess. They will be encouraged to put their gifts into practice, in fulfillment of God's purposes, by serving each other and worshiping in spirit and in truth. -
Module 4: The Church and Worship
This series of lessons examines what the Bible teaches concerning the purpose of the Church and how it came into being. Church leaders need to be grounded in their understanding of why Jesus Christ established the Church to function as His Body (His ambassadors in the world) after He ascended into heaven. The Church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has been instructed to spread the Gospel around the world and to serve in its local community. It also meets regularly to worship God, be instructed in His Word, and to support and encourage one another. -
Module 5: Family Life
This series of lessons looks at Spiritual Leadership in the home as it pertains to building a healthy Christian family. It begins with a framework for understanding the Biblical basis for family and moves on to some challenges faced by families such as preparation for marriage, managing finances, leading one’s children, and building good communication with your spouse. This series of lessons takes the view that spiritual leadership begins in the home – and both men and women have specific roles in this regard. These lessons present God’s best design for families, while recognizing that in today’s world families can come in many forms. The lessons will benefit those who are married, those who have the role of a parent, as well as young people who desire healthy relationships in the future. -
Module 6: Leadership Lifestyle
The lessons examine the practical and spiritual requirements for those in Christian leadership. Being a leader is so much more than standing up in front of a group of people asking them to follow you! To be a great leader, one must maintain high standards in both public and private life. While every one of us struggles in many ways, a leader faces unique challenges. This module identifies some of these struggles and how to combat them, with practical advice from men and women who have experienced the trials and joys of following God’s calling in leadership. Each lesson concludes with a Leader to Leader page. It features quotes from historical Christians, current Christian leaders, and people (not in leadership) who share their perspective on the topic. -
Module 7: Christian Character Development
When Christians fail and ministries fall apart, it is often due to a lack of character development in the leader. A Christian leader must take character development seriously, because discipleship requires that we grow in Christ-like character. This module examines a number of Christian character traits that are necessary for developing servant leadership. We will look at what the Bible teaches about these traits, and examples of Jesus and others displaying them. Godly character should be evident in the life of every follower of Christ, especially those who are leading others. -
Module 8: Forgiveness and Reconciliation
It can be difficult to accept God’s forgiveness in our lives and extend forgiveness to others. Forgiving others goes against our natural inclination. But as we allow God to change our hearts and minds, we can experience reconciliation with God and with one another. This module explores the Biblical foundations of forgiveness, the process required for reconciliation, and how to promote living at peace with one another. It also examines forgiveness as it may be required between individuals or members of a community. -
Module 9: Christian Doctrine
This series of lessons examines some doctrines which are foundational to our faith, with an emphasis on where error is often made and how that can affect true faith. Doctrine is the set of beliefs we have that forms how we practice our faith. It is critical that Christians have correct beliefs about the nature of God and our Salvation, especially if they are engaged in teaching and discipling. This module examines scriptures on each topic and explains where confusion and error are sometimes made on each doctrine. -
Module 10: Pastoral Basics
This module looks at specific topics in pastoral basics, meant for untrained leaders who serving as a pastor in a local church, church groups who are seeking out a pastor, or those pursing a pastoral role. We look at the many roles a pastor may have in a local church, and what church members should be able to expect from their pastor. Some specific needs of churches such as ministry to different age groups, as well as considerations for church growth are included.
Who is Jesus Christ?
The purpose of this lesson is to examine who Jesus is, where and when He lived, and what He claimed about Himself.
The Importance of Godly Character
This lesson outlines the importance, nature and development of Godly character, and how a lack of it can lead to failure in serving God effectively.
Who is God? What is He Like?
The purpose of this lesson is to gain a Biblical understanding of who God is, and His attributes given to us in Scriptures.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Participants will understand the sacraments of baptism and communion, why they are practised and their purpose in the life of the Church.
Introduction to Discipleship
Participants will understand the scriptural principles of discipleship. This will allow them to examine their own life as they prepare to disciple others and the important task of developing relationships.
- Who Is Jesus?
- Understanding Salvation
- Christian Life and Worldview
- Our Relationship with God
- Introduction to Evangelism
- Evangelism Using the Four Spiritual Laws
- Christian Disciplines
- God and the Spiritual Realm
- Exploring Discipleship
- Leading Small Groups
- Spiritual Gifts
- The Church and Worship
- Family Life
- Leadership Lifestyle
- Christian Character Development
- Forgiveness and Reconciliation
- Christian Doctrine
- Pastoral Basics