Problem of Suffering

How could a good God allow so much suffering?

Resurrection - Did They Die For A Lie?

Why would the disciples make up a tale called the resurrection? Would they (or you) make up a lie that they (or you) would die for?


Some scientists foolishly say God doesn't exist. Why is it foolish to doubt there's a creator?


Do you tend to loose your nerve when talking to others about God the creator? Who has yet come up with a truly plausible argument against the Biblical account of the origin of man? Upon whom lays the burden of proof?

The Elephant Parable

Non-thinkers use the elephant parable hoping to prove Christianity is not true. Actually, it does the opposite.

The Greatest Evidence

He heard the same horrible words that I heard. "We're shutting the doors for good!" Why didn't he fall apart?

The Missing Link

Charles Darwin said if evolution were true we should find intermediate varieties. Where are they? What are we to think of these "missing links"?

Theistic Evolution

Are you trying to keep one foot on the boat and one foot on the dock? How does Theistic evolution fit with the Bible? Was there a literal Adam and Eve? Just because a scientist said it, does it make it true?

What Do You Say To A Grieving Culture?

Why would Christians be afraid to tell the truth? Who has the truth? Who has help needed by a hurting culture?

What's Your September 11th Testimony?

Can you recall exactly where you were in your spirit before you were saved? What was your life like after? Your most powerful apologetic is YOU, and your personal testimony that no one can deny or take away. Tell someone today how you were rescued from the ashes of your own worldly towers.

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