Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 16:17-21 (הִתְגָלוּת)

Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on May 25, 2024.

Esther 4:1-17 - You May Have Come to the Kingdom for Such a Time as This

From Chapter 4:1-17 of the study of the Book of Esther (אֶסְתֵּר), brother Gideon Levytam points us to Mordecai’s response to Haman's evil plan. Haman planned to kill all the Jews world-wide, in one day, the thirteenth day of the Hebrew month of Adar. Mordecai, the Jew, cried with a loud and bitter cry to God, and although God’s name is not recorded in the book of Esther, we read that Mordecai cried publicly, by the gate of King Ahasuerus. Mordecai appealed to queen Esther to go and speak to the king on behalf of her Jewish people. He reminded queen Esther that she had been placed in such a high position supernaturally, and that she may have come to the kingdom for such a time, when the lives of the Jewish people were in grave danger. God will preserve His people of Israel.

Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 16:12-21 (הִתְגָלוּת)

Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on May 18, 2024.

Ecclesiastes 12:2-7 - For Dust You Are and to Dust You Shall Return

From Chapter 12:2-7 on the study of the Book of Ecclesiastes (Kohelet-קֹהֶלֶת), brother Gideon Levytam gives us the reasons why God’s people are exhorted to remember God in their youth. Solomon states the fact that because of sin, no-one remains young forever, and the aging process creeps-up on everyone, eventually leading to death, just as God declared in Genesis 3:16-17, "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Solomon lists the members of the human body such as hands, legs, teeth, eyes, ears, hair etc..., which in the process of time become fragile, and then as dust returns to the earth, and the spirit returns unto God who gave it.

Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 16:1-21 (הִתְגָלוּת)

Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on May 11, 2024.

Shabbat Meeting - Revelation 15:5-8 (הִתְגָלוּת)

Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on May 4, 2024.

Hebrews 4:14-16 - Let Us Come Boldly Unto the Throne of Grace

From Chapter 4:14-16 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam highlights the encouraging council given to the Hebrew believers. Although they suffered persecution and had many needs, yet, they were called to remember that Jesus their Messiah Lord and Saviour, was risen, ascended, and now sitting at God’s right hand, taking His role as the great high priest. The Man Yeshua / Jesus who is now glorified, once walked here on earth, He fully understands all of our infirmities, being tested in all points just as we are, yet He sinned not. Therefore, God’s people are exhorted to come by faith, in prayer to God’s throne of grace, to receive mercy and grace in time of need.

Shabbat Meeting - Messiah in the Passover - Exodus 12:1-14 (שְׁמֹות֙)

Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on April 27, 2024.

Esther 3:5-15 - Haman Seeks to Destroy the Jewish People

From Chapter 3:5-15 of the study of the Book of Esther (אֶסְתֵּר), brother Gideon Levytam expounds on the reality that God’s enemies always seek to do away with God’s people Israel and His purpose for them. In pride, Haman the agagite of Amalek was angry because Mordecai the Jew would not bow to him. In his anger, Haman sought to destroy all Mordecai’s people who live throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus. He chose the thirteenth day of the Hebrew month of Adar to be the date in which he would kill all Jews, young and old, children and women, in one day. By planning Jewish destruction Haman continued to do what his ancestors sought to do years earlier, when Israel came out of the land of Egypt, as it is recorded in Exodus 17:8, "Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim." God would preserve His people from all their enemies.

Hebrews 4:1-13 - Enjoy the Present Rest by Trusting Jesus the Messiah

From Chapter 4:1-13 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam directs us to the warning which the author of this letter gives to the Hebrew believers of first century. He reminds his Hebrew brethren of the need to continue-on in following the Lord Yeshua / Jesus the Messiah, even when they are miss-understood and rejected by their people. They were encouraged to enjoy a present rest by trusting their Messiah, and they are warned not to do what their forefathers did some years earlier when they harden their hearts. The Hebrew believers in Jesus the Messiah were encouraged not to follow the example of the unbelief of some of their forefathers, but trust God who knows all things and who's Word is powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword.

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