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Declaring the Break of Dawn

From Wisdom for the Heart …ver, and that's why Luke speaks of them often in his account. Let's see what he has …

Exorcism Rites

From The Word for Today …s allude to them in Luke 11? Pastor Chuck Smith shares Jesus' logic in this episode…

Faith-Driven People - Part 2

From Bold Steps …rageous and bold men in Luke, chapter 5 who lowered their disabled friend through a …

Forgive and Forget

From Fresh Luke 6:37 Don't judge others, and God will not judge you. Don't condemn others, and …

Great Forgiveness

From The Word for Today …the sinful woman in Luke 7 that would have shocked the listeners? Pastor Chuck Smit…

His Name Shall be Called John

From Wisdom for the Heart …why in this look at Luke 1:5-25.…

How Valuable are You?

From Guidelines for Living … hear 3 accounts in Luke 15 to understand that there is hope for the lost.…

Humility in Prayer

From Hope Has A Name Luke 18:9-14 - Jesus’ parable about the prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collec…


From Wisdom for the Heart …sus' birth unfolds, Luke's gospel reveals some surprising men who were given the div…

Jesus’ Return to Nazareth - Rejection by the People, Part 1

From Grace to You … words of Christ in Luke chapter 4, you find Jesus described the people who would re…
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1 Minute of Hope

A Firsthand Conversation with

A TWR Christmas Collection: 2024

A Voice for Persecuted Christians

Amazing Grace Broadcasts

Bible Stories Alive

Bold Steps

Bold Steps Minute

Bread of Life

Champions Arise

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Berni Dymet


Dr. Peggy Banks

Russel Abrahams

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1 Samuel

By Salt and Light

A Flurry of Wings

By Running to Win

A Guided Tour of Your Body

By Truth in the Test Tube

A Legacy of Light

By Wisdom for the Heart

A song of loves

By Rendezvous


By Reviving Hope


By Michael Easley inContext

All the Places to Go

By Christian Crusaders

Am I the Kind of Person God Saves?

By Grace to You

Ancient Prophecies of His Coming

By Wake Chapel Christian Church
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