From Goo To You

How did copying errors and random mistakes end up creating complex humans out of the primordial soup? Learn why, when it comes to turning goo into you, evolution just doesn't cut it.

The Emperor Has No Clothes

And old fairy tale takes on real meaning for today's culture. Will the Church return to her spiritual roots, remember the truth that she's been given; and call attention to the fact that the Emperor has no clothes?

Teaching Your Children to Defend Their Faith

Is a non-believing culture taking your teen to school? As Christian parents, we must equip our youth to lead spiritual discussions, rather than being lead *by* them. Too many of our raised-in-the-church young people are forsaking the truth, once immersed in a secular college environment. How can you help?

When Was the New Testament Written?

When were the New Testament books written? Most people who've read The DaVinci Code think they were arbitrarily decided by a bunch of grey haired men at a council. Not So! Take a listen.


Problem of Evil

Are You a Closet Atheist

Did Christ Rise?

What would it take for you to stop being a Christian?

Do You Believe in Miracles?

With the eye-witness support for Biblical miracles far outweighing any eye-witness refutations, why would people still question the possibility of miracles?

Chicken or the Egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do you know the biblical answer to this seemingly puzzling question?

Dead Sea Scrolls

What was the greatest archeological find of the 20th century? How do the Dead Sea Scrolls compare to the numerous other copies of scripture?

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