Strategic Positioning

God’s work in our lives can at times be uncomfortable. Pastor Daryl explains that God is purposeful and strategic in where He takes us in life.

Strategic Moves

God’s plans for our lives can take us places we never imagined. Pastor Daryl teaches how even when we are being mistreated, God may be moving us in the to the place He has designed for us.

New Name New Identity

God gave Jacob the name Israel to remind him and his offspring of their identity and the nature of their relationship with God. Pastor Daryl will discuss how our our relationship with God and our identity is found in Jesus Christ.

On the Run in God’s Promises

God will continue to bring forth His plans even when it feels like you are in exile. Pastor Daryl encourages us to trust the LORD even when you feel you are in “exile” because His is faithful to His promises.

Faithfulness Over Failure

God’s plans will come to pass, even if it means trouble and struggle for those taking matters into their own hands. Pastor Daryl discusses that we as followers of Jesus Christ should seek to be clear and open about God’s word and get in line with it.

God’s Promises on Display

The LORD’s blessing and protection are a result of his irrevocable covenant promises to Abraham. Pastor Daryl explains how God goes to great lengths to protect His plans and promises to Abraham, which flowed through Isaac, leading all the way to Jesus Christ.

Faith Test

Tests are given to prove what is understood and known. Pastor Daryl discusses how when we are tested in our faith, it is a great opportunity to trust the LORD all the more and witness His faithfulness.

The Importance of a Godly Presence

As a just judge, the LORD will not punish the righteous along with the wicked. Pastor Daryl explains how we are to trust and serve the LORD knowing that our presence is important in the world.

Waiting on God’s Promises

Our microwave society is so accustomed to immediate gratification that we often get frustrated with God when He doesn’t move fast enough for us. Pastor Daryl will explain how even though God’s calendar may not match our, God is still faithful.

Master Plan Unfolding

God can use the most unlikely means to fulfill His mission in the world. Pastor Daryl will explain how God called one man to trust Him in a most profound way to be a blessing to the world.

When Our Plans Don’t Succeed

Too often in life we make plans that either exclude God or goes directly against God’s plans. Pastor Daryl will explain that God is so serious about His mission in the world that God Himself will confuse and derail our plans when that get in His way.

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